Partners In Healing is Counseling In Schools’s collaborative, inquiry-based framework for supporting the social and emotional well-being of NYC students, teachers, and caregivers. It represents our years of experience helping school personnel and families with the language to be trauma-informed and healing-centered in their relationships with children. And, the free, downloadable resources in our Activity Corner come directly from our counseling and professional development staff's creative, school-based work.
This site was born in response to the devastating pandemic, its disproportionate impact on Black people and People of Color, and the racial reckoning that is being justly demanded throughout our nation. Through partnership, teachers, counselors, administrators, and family members can help each other heal, and provide safe learning environments for students while ensuring that our own wellbeing is sustained.
Counseling In Schools operates from the principle that it is essential to support the social emotional development of young people and their caregivers. Simply put, in order for students to thrive, the adults in their lives also need to thrive.
As partners, we welcome your ideas for what this resource center can offer―what do you need? What is already working for you professionally that you would like more of? Do you need support to refocus your practice to be able to teach and take care of yourself?
Welcome to our online resource page. We look forward to our partnership.