SEL @ Home: Art Activities

Creativity is essential for at-home learning; it offers children opportunities to try new ways of thinking and problem-solving. Creative activities can also help teachers/caregivers learn more about what children may be thinking or feeling. You can easily create artistic projects for kids K-5 with everyday items found at home.

Foil Bling

Materials: ALUMINUM foil

  • Make Bracelet / Necklace / Crown: model making each of these items out of foil, then have child/ren try making them.
  • Discuss: are there other ways to make a bracelet, necklace, or crown? Think about it out loud, model, and have child/ren try.

Foil Bling: Playing

materials: ALUMINUM foil, PAPER

  • Choose a recipient: have child/ren choose someone else or multiple people in the family and “Take an order:" Each child asks their recipient(s) which type of bling they would like to have made for them: bracelet, necklace, or crown?
  • Make the bling: using foil, each child makes whatever bling item his/her recipient has requested. When finished, wrap it in paper decorated with a personal LOGO for the child’s “jewelry company”.
  • Advanced: You can make this more complex, by having your child create a jewelry store with foil bling, and have prices (price tags) on each item.

Ribbon Wands

Materials: unsharpened pencils, masking tape, scissors, wrapping ribbon

In place of ribbon, you can also use paper strips, kitchen twine, shredded plastic bags - whatever is available! Adults may assist with cutting and taping activities as needed

  • Cut ribbons: each child should end up with 4-6 cut ribbon lengths for their wand.
  • Prepare masking tape pieces: working together with your child, rip small lengths of masking tape – one per ribbon; about 2 inches long – and put them on the edge of a desk for later use (this demonstrates preparation before constructing, which wastes less and teaches child/ren about organization!)
  • Secure ribbons to pencil: Tape a ribbon piece close to one end of the pencil, and wrap the masking tape around both. Add more ribbons in the same spot, adding more ribbons as desired. Use one piece of tape per ribbon.

Ribbon Wands: Dance-making

Benchmarks: Through movement exploration, observation, replication, and recall, students develop kinesthetic and self-awareness; build fine and large motor skills, and invent dance movements to create their own short dances.

Materials: ribbon wands (SEE above ACTIVITY), music player

  • Choose ribbon wands: you and children, one or two.
  • Set up: child/ren should be facing you, with enough space around everyone to ensure physical safety.
  • Copy the leader: turn on music; children copy the leader’s movements. Shake wands up, shake wands down, shake wands side-to-side, shake wands in circles. Invent spins and different directional movements. Leader should also give verbal prompts.
  • Rotate leaders: take turns so that child/children eventually become the leader
  • Advanced:
    • Create a choreography referencing the movements each leader created and PERFORM!
    • Have your child write down the moves you come up with so that they can teach it to a sibling or other family member.